Moxibustion is ancient. Even more ancient than needling. In modern acupuncture, however, it is often considered too time-consuming, too risky or too difficult to master. And yet the classics say: for chronic conditions, moxa has no equal.

Coming to the rescue of time-poor, risk-averse, present-day acupuncturists is the Ontake Method from Japan. This innovative approach uses a piece of bamboo filled with burning moxa wool to roll, tap and press on the meridians using a metronome programmed to each meridian’s frequency. The rhythmic application of heat, frequency and pressure triggers rapid shifts in your patients’ body condition and mood but this method generates only a little smoke.

I’ve included a couple of short exceertps from Module 1, which focus on the Ontake origin story. Modules 2 – 6 feature less talk and more action, focusing on practical aspects of the Ontake method, including a theoretical model to treat sore throat, midline pain, including pubic symphisis pain. Check it out!


If you’ve not studied with me before, and you’d like to, I’ve got three online courses with Net of Knowledge. If you’re looking for the basics, start with Ontake 101, which covers everything from loading and lighting Ontake to treating sore throat and midline pain. And it only costs USD30! If you’d like something a bit longer, check out the other two!

Ontake Moxibustion 101

Getting Started with the Ontake Method

In this highly practical introductory module you will:

(1) Discover what Ontake is and the kind of things the Ontake Method can do.
(2) Learn how to load, light and extinguish the Ontake.
(3) Acquire three basic strokes to get you started: tapping, rolling and super-knocking.
(4) Explore a simple treatment model for the rapid relief of pain anywhere on the midline of the body with Ontake, including sore throat, neck pain, middle back, pubic symphysis and epigastric pain.

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Ontake Moxibustion for Meridian Therapy and Toyohari Practitioners

Treating the Back and Consolidating the Pulse

This highly enjoyable two-hour recorded webinar explores Ontake’s origins in Japan, with an overview of historical and contemporary uses. Using numerous short video clips, dynamic presentations, and frequent breaks for questions and reflection, students learn how to load and light Ontake and contrast the different application methods for deficient and excess areas along channels.

In this highly practical introductory two-hour, you will learn:

(1) How to load, light and extinguish Ontake
(2) Protocols to augment the root treatment
(3) Protocols for assessing the lustre of the skin and balancing kyo and jitsu with Ontake
(4) A simple routine for treating the back to consolidate the pulse


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Moxa in Motion with Ontake Warm Bamboo

Rhythmic Moxibustion Methods from Japan


In this twelve hour course, you will learn:

(1) Dr Manaka’s meridian frequencies and how to apply them
(2) Protocols for symptom relief
(3) Protocols for whole-body regulation
(4) The integration of Dr Tan’s holographic models with Ontake for the rapid relief of pain

Presented by Oran Kivity and compered by Michael Max from the Qiological podcast, the format is varied and dynamic, with lectures, PowerPoints, group Q&A sessions and teaching videos. Each lesson is linked to a section in a fifty-page workbook packed with learner-centred quizzes and exercises. Engagingly filmed, produced and edited to hold the attention of distance learners, Moxa in Motion presents a step-by-step guide to utilizing the Ontake Method that will leave you confident in your new skills and more effective in your practice.


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