Pain Relief with the Ontake Method: How the Application of Heat to Body Correspondence Systems Can Bring Rapid Pain Relief
We all know the soothing effects of warmth— how a hot water bottle can provide instant relief. Ontake, since its inception, has been used similarly to relieve pain, functioning as a small, mobile source of warmth applied directly to the body. But beyond this, when we incorporate theoretical frameworks like kyojitsu, Dr Manaka’s meridian frequencies, and the holographic mappings of Dr Tan and Kurakichi Hirata, we unlock Ontake’s potential to address pain in various areas, far beyond the local application. Each of these theoretical models acts as a ‘force multiplier’, layering the effects of the meridian system and body correspondences over the treatment.
What sets Ontake apart is its simplicity. Unlike the intricate techniques of okyu small cone moxibustion that require extensive training, the basic Ontake strokes can be learned in minutes. Ontake is easy to apply, enjoyable for patients, and remarkably effective in reducing pain. This combination of effectiveness and simplicity is what makes this simple moxa device increasingly popular around the world (Oran Kivity, NAJOM)
私たちは皆、温かさがもたらす癒しの効果を知っています。湯たんぽがどれほどの安心感と痛みの緩和を与えるか。温竹(Ontake)は、その誕生以来、同様に痛みを和らげるために使われてきました。小さく持ち運びができる熱源として、皮膚に直接適用されます。しかし、それだけではありません。虚実(Kyojitsu)、真中医師(Dr. Manaka)の経絡周波数、そして陳英武医師(Dr. Tan)や平田内閣(Kurakichi Hirata)のホログラフィックなマッピングなどの理論的枠組みを取り入れることで、温竹が体のあらゆる部位の痛みに対処する可能性を開きます。これらの理論モデルの一つひとつが「フォース・マルチプライヤー」として機能し、治療に経絡システムと身体の対応関係の効果を重ねていきます。
This post is written to provide a visual accompaniment to an article published in the North American Joiurnal of Oriental Medicine. In that article, I explore two systems of treatment that use holographic mappings of the body: Dr Tan’s Balance Method and Kurakichi Hirata’s zones, and uncover how these systems have been integrated into the Ontake Method. The article cites three cases which can be viewed here.
この投稿は、「北米東洋医学ジャーナル」に掲載された記事の視覚的な補完を提供するために書かれました。その記事では、陳英武医師(Dr. Tan)のバランスメソッドと平田内閣(Kurakichi Hirata)のゾーンという、身体のホログラフィックなマッピングを用いた2つの治療システムについて探求し、それらのシステムが温竹メソッドにどのように統合されているかを明らかにしています。記事では3つの症例が紹介されており、それらをここで見ることができます。
Jaw pain 顎の痛み
In the first case, our model has chronic jaw pain, which extends over the top of her head to her neck. She describes pain in the small intestine, gallbladder and stomach channels, but with palpation, it is evident that the most reactive channel is stomach.
Because the elbow is isophasal with the jaw (both are hinge joints), we palpate around the elbow for abnormal tissue, then apply Ontake on the large intestine channel at 108 beats per minute. As the stomach channel pain is relieved, the other channel pains also clear.
The treatment finishes with DU 14, the meeting point of all the yang channels.
治療は、全ての陽経が集まる大椎(DU 14)で終了します。
Knee pain 膝の痛み
In the second case, our model has chronic knee pain in his right leg. It’s on the spleen channel. According to Dr Tan’s theory, we should treat this from the left elbow or the left knee. Paired channels include TB, ST and LU. Because there are abnormal tissue findings at the lung channel around the elbow, Ontake is applied to the area at the lung frequency (126 bpm). This relieves the pain.
2つ目の症例では、モデルが右脚に慢性的な膝の痛みを訴えています。それは脾経にあります。陳英武医師(Dr. Tan)の理論によると、これを左肘または左膝から治療すべきです。対経絡には三焦経、胃経、肺経が含まれます。肘周辺の肺経に異常な組織が見られたため、肺の周波数(126拍/分)で温竹をその部位に適用します。これにより痛みが緩和されます。
Overlapping toe (clinodactyly) 重なる足指(捻指)
In the following case, this time not from my practice but from that of my French colleague Nelly Lapierre, you can see how HOT can be used to treat a chronic painful condition of overlapping toe. The second toe had curled over the big toe, and walking was extremely painful. As you can see from the graphics in the video, the toes are in zone 1, so Nelly treated zone 1 in other regions with amazing results.
This video is in French with English and Japanese subtitles.
I hope you enjoyed these videos.
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To view more about Hirata zones, click here.