ion pumping


MANAKA MADE SIMPLE LEVEL 3 – Blood stasis, prognostication



In this third instalment of Manaka Made Simple,  we’re delving deeper into both theoretical and clinical approaches to broaden your expertise. The workshop will cover Japanese concepts of blood stasis, with a special focus on Manaka’s unique insights into prognostication. We’ll be honing in on the diagnosis and treatment of blood stasis in chronic conditions, employing techniques such as cupping, bloodletting and moxibustion.

To further enrich your understanding of Step 1 and Step 4, we’ll be exploring more advanced ion pumping combinations and strategies, along with new moxibustion variations  such as kyukonshin (okyu and chishin in combination) and large cone moxibustion.


Level 3 consolidates the learning of the previous two weekends. With less emphasis on theory and an increased focus on practical application, this weekend is designed to help you master the final components of Manaka’s approach. After three days of theory and practice, you’ll feel more confident to provide more accurate prognoses for each patient, make realistic judgments about what you can or cannot achieve with your treatments and apply an effective treatment from what is now a broad range of options.

Highlights of Level 3 include the introduction of more ion pumping treatments at Step 1, and, for the first time, strategies for ion pumping at Step 4. These include Manaka’s burns treatment, and ion pumping for knee pain, fatigue and anxiety. And there are two new and important modalities to get to grips with: cupping and bloodletting, both excellent for chronic conditions that don’t respond well to your usual treatments.

Key topics covered in the workshop include:

  • Kyukonshin—the integration of okyu with
  • Chinetsukyu—large cone moxibustion.
  • Extra IPC patterns and strategies, addressing whiplash, burns, and scars.
  • Kyukaku—cupping techniques.
  • Shiraku—comprehensive coverage of Japanese bloodletting practices.

Building on the foundations laid in Levels 1 and 2, Level 3 aims to reinforce your theoretical knowledge with much more hands-on practice. This three-day course is designed with a slightly longer day to give you plenty of time to master the new material and bring your clinical skills to new heights. We strongly advise participants to book soon as places are limited to thirty people.




Image of Dr Manaka

Kewalahan membaca buku Chasing the Dragons Tail? Ingin tau tentang Akupunktur dan Moksibusi Jepang? Workshop yang transformatif ini akan menyederhanakan pembelajaran anda dan melatih anda sedemikian rupa hingga hanya dalam tiga hari saja, anda sudah bisa mulai menggunakan sistem penyembuhan yang unik ini.

Yoshio Manaka adalah seorang pujangga, seniman, ilmuwan, dokter, dan penyembuh. Hidupnya terinspirasi dan didedikasikan untuk penemuan dan ide pemikiran. Dalam puncak kehidupannya, mencapai level teknik penyembuhan yang membuatnya terkenal di dalam dan luar Jepang.

Akupunktur Jepang berbeda dengan Akupunktur China dalam banyak hal. Berdasarkan filosofi “manfaat maksimal dengan intervensi minimal”, akupunktur jepang menggunakan penjaruman dan moksibusi yang sangat lembut, dan juga berbagai alat beda polaritas yang menambah aliran di meridian. Hal ini membuat pasien nyaman dalam menerima efek penyembuhannya.

 Workshop tiga hari ini, akan memberikan kepada anda lingkup pengetahuan untuk merancang diagnosis dan rencana terapi komprehensif dalam sistem Dr. Manaka: sebuah pendekatan terstruktur dalam pengobatan akar dan cabang dari ketidakseimbangan di tubuh.

Kursus ini akan fokus pada pemahaman Dr. Manaka pada sistem meridian, dan interaksi dinamika antara meridian, akupoin, perut, dan area refleks. Sistem ini bukanlah sistem yang misterius, melainkan didasarkan pada percobaan dan observasi yang dapat kita amati langsung, dan ulangi sendiri. Palpasi, terutama palpasi abdomen, adalah yang paling penting dalam memeriksa dan menguji keefektifan setiap teknik yang kita lakukan

Workshop ini berbasis dan menekankan pada praktikum. Setelah tiga hari, anda akan mulai dapat melakukan terapi pada pasien dengan seluruh 4 Langkah Sistem Manaka. Perkenalan terhadap pendekatan Manaka adalah pintu gerbang untuk memahami teknik Akupunktur, Moksibusi, dan Palpasi lebih dalam, dan membawa praktik klinis anda naik level dan lebih percaya diri.  Kursus ini akan diajarkan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan fokus pada teori serta praktikum beberapa hal berikut:

  • Teori Octahedral Manaka mengenai Delapan Meridian Istimewa
  • Memanfaatkan Delapan Meridian Istimewa dan Ion Pumping Cords.
  • Seni palpasi dan diagnonis berdasarkan pola temuan abdomen dan meridian.
  • Keterampilan moksibusi Jepang, termasuk teknik Jarum Hangat, dan moksibusi bulir beras.
  • Terapi isophasal Manaka menggunakan sistem holografik tangan dan telinga.
  • Penjaruman dangkal Jepang, teknik penusukan yang benar dengan menggunakan tabung pandu.
  • Peregangan Sotai dan olahraga untuk melancarkan meridian untuk gangguan muskuloskeletal dan struktural.

Setelah menyelesaikan pelatihan tiga hari ini, anda sudah akan bisa menerapi klien dengan sistem ini. Levels 2 dan 3 adalah kursus opsional yang dapat diambil di kemudian hari untuk memperdalam pengertian anda terhadap sistem Manaka untuk mengobati akar. Kursus lanjutan ini juga akan menyertakan berbagai metode lain untuk melakukan terapi akar, termasuk Palu Kayu Manaka, aplikasi klinik siklus 24 jam, 10 hari, dan 60 harian, serta aplikasi yang spesialistik teknik moksubusi, kop, dan bloodletting Jepang.



Aswadi Ibrahim

Phone: +6285242274424

Yudhi Gejali

Phone: +62815-7123-696



Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.


Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.








”Dr Manaka was fluent in ancient and modern Chinese and Japanese, French, German, and English, along with “smatterings of other languages”. Outside of his passion for medicine, he was a sculptor, a poet, and a painter. Thus, he was a true polymath, a medical Leonardo Da Vinci. Stephen Birch, one of the brightest lights in the Western acupuncture world, described Dr Manaka to me as the only genius he had ever met. Dr Manaka taught Birch and corresponded with him in a process Birch described as “mind-expanding” and “exposing oneself to a kind of knowledge and curiosity virus”. This infection of ideas and thinking led to the English publication of Chasing the Dragon’s Tail, written by Birch with Manaka’s input and guidance. It was a seminal book on acupuncture and acupuncture research.”

Oran Kivity–Moxa in Motion (2019)

Continue your exciting journey into Manaka System Acupuncture, delving deeper into the intricate world of inter-channel relationships and the interconnected arts of direct moxa and refined palpation. Develop  more expertise and expand your arsenal of techniques at steps 1 to 4.


Empowering Objectives

Once again, you’ll embark on a second, transformative adventure and on completion of the three days. Level 1 opened your mind and after Level 2, you will wield your new skills with precision and confidence. You will be able to:

  • Describe a four-channel set and test the effects of placing different polarities upstream and downstream on the channels.
  • Practice Manaka’s unique application of the polar channel pairs, using positive and negative polarities on the mother and child points as an alternative to the master and coupled points of the Eight Extras
  • Confidently apply root and branch treatment with okyu including Sawada’s Taiji protocol and unlock more branch formulae from the Matsushima Kindle Single
  • Calculate the open point and harness the power of Chinese biorhythms with the 24-hour, 10-day, and 60-day cycles to: release pressure pain reactions on the belly and solve diagnostic stalemates of coexisting patterns
  • Practise Manaka’s Step 4 use of phase points on the 24-hour cycle to bring relief to stubborn symptoms.
  • Get comfortable with Manaka’s wooden needle and hammer and his remarkable concept of meridian frequencies, applying these ideas in various ways across the board from Step 1 to Step 4.
  • Perform five new Sotai exercises to adjust the body’s structure for Step 3 with and without okyu
  • Learn how to insert hinaishin intradermal needles and compare and contrast the use of empishin, hinaishin and ryu.
  • Confidently apply the above at the appropriate part of the body
  • Apply five channel stretches with moxa to release the neck and upper limb

This three-day course will reinforce the concepts of Level 1 and bring your practice and skills to new heights, expanding your clinical repertoire at each Step. And with a slightly longer day, there’ll be plenty of time to practice and review. We strongly advise participants to book soon as places are limited to thirty people.




Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.








Image of Dr Manaka

Overwhelmed by Chasing the Dragon’s Tail? Curious about Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion? This transformative workshop will simplify your learning and train you to start using this unique healing system for yourself in just three days.


Yoshio Manaka was a poet, artist, scholar, physician and healer. He lived for and was inspired by ideas and invention. At the pinnacle of his life, he reached a level of healing skill that made him renowned in Japan and overseas.

 Japanese acupuncture is different from Chinese acupuncture in many ways. Based on the idea of “maximum benefit with minimum intervention”, it uses very light needling and moxibustion techniques , as well as a variety of polarity devices to enhance channel flow. This makes it very comfortable for patients to receive.

This three-day workshop will give you a working knowledge of Dr Manaka’s comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment: a structured approach to address the root, the branch, and the overall structure of the body. The course will focus on Dr Manaka’s insights into the channel system and the dynamic interactions between channels, points, the abdomen, and other reflex areas. The system is not mysterious. It is based on tests and observations you can repeat and confirm for yourself. Palpation, especially abdominal palpation, is all-important to check and recheck the effectiveness of each technique.

This is a practical workshop with an emphasis on practice.  By the end of the three days, you will be able to treat patients with all four steps of Manaka’s system. This introduction to Manaka’s approach is a gateway to a deeper understanding of acupuncture, moxibustion and palpation, bringing you to new levels of clinical effectiveness and confidence.

The course will be taught in English, with translation into Portuguese and will focus on both the theory and practice of the following:

  • Manaka’s octahedral theory of the eight extraordinary vessels
  • Use of the eight extraordinary vessels with ion pumping cords
  • Palpation skills, diagnosing from the abdomen and channels
  • Japanese moxibustion skills, including warm needle and rice grain moxa techniques
  • Manaka’s isophasal treatments using holographic systems of the ear and hand
  • Japanese superficial needling, correct insertion with a guide tube
  • Sotai stretches and channel release exercises for musculoskeletal disorders & structural adjustment

By the end of these three days,  you will be able to treat your patients with this system. Levels 2 and 3 are optional courses that may be taken later to deepen your understanding of Manaka’s system for treating the root. They include many other Japanese methods for treating the branch, including Dr Manaka’s wooden hammer and needle, clinical applications of the 24-hour, 10-day and 60-day cycles, and specialised Japanese applications of moxibustion, cupping and bloodletting.




Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.



Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.







Image of Dr Manaka

Overwhelmed by Chasing the Dragon’s Tail? Curious about Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion? This transformative workshop will simplify your learning and train you to start using this unique healing system for yourself in just three days.


Yoshio Manaka was a poet, artist, scholar, physician, and healer. He lived for and was inspired by ideas and invention. At the pinnacle of his life, he reached a level of healing skill that made him renowned in Japan and overseas.

 Different from other styles of acupuncture in many ways, Manaka System Acupuncture is based on the idea of “maximum benefit with minimum intervention.” It uses very light needling and moxibustion techniques and a variety of polarity devices to enhance channel flow. This makes it very comfortable for patients to receive.


Join us from March 7th to 9th, 2025, in Winterthur, Switzerland, for an immersive three-day workshop to unravel the brilliance of Dr Manaka’s diagnostic and treatment system. This system is like a backstage pass to understanding the body’s structure and meridians at root and branch levels in an effective and surprisingly straightforward way.

Forget the mystery; this system is all about procedures and observations you can easily replicate and validate. We’re diving deep into Dr Manaka’s insights into channels, points, the abdomen, and reflex areas – all with a hands-on, palpation-based approach. In Japanese acupuncture, when it comes to checking the effectiveness of each technique, touch is everything, especially abdominal palpation.

This workshop isn’t all theoretical. It’s a fascinating playground of practical protocols and techniques. that you will explore and acquire. By the end of these three days, you’ll have learned and practised the basics of Manaka’s system and be ready to apply all four steps confidently. Consider this workshop your passport to a deeper understanding of acupuncture, moxibustion, and palpation, elevating your clinical game to new heights.

The course will be taught in English and will focus on both the theory and practice of the following:

  • Manaka’s octahedral theory of the eight extraordinary vessels
  • Use of the eight extraordinary vessels with ion pumping cords
  • Palpation skills, diagnosing from the abdomen and channels
  • Japanese moxibustion skills, including warm needle and rice grain moxa techniques
  • Manaka’s isophasal treatments using holographic systems of the ear and hand
  • Japanese superficial needling, correct insertion with a guide tube
  • Sotai stretches and channel release exercises for musculoskeletal disorders & structural adjustment

By the end of these three days,  you will be able to treat your patients with this system. Levels 2 and 3 are optional courses that may be taken later to deepen your understanding of Manaka’s system for treating the root. They include many other Japanese methods for treating the branch, including Dr. Manaka’s wooden hammer and needle, clinical applications of the 24-hour, 10-day, and 60-day cycles, and specialized Japanese applications of moxibustion, cupping, and bloodletting.




Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.



Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.





Manaka students watching teacher demonstrate on model




”Dr Manaka was fluent in ancient and modern Chinese and Japanese, French, German, and English, along with “smatterings of other languages”. Outside of his passion for medicine, he was a sculptor, a poet, and a painter. Thus, he was a true polymath, a medical Leonardo Da Vinci. Stephen Birch, one of the brightest lights in the Western acupuncture world, described Dr Manaka to me as the only genius he had ever met. Dr Manaka taught Birch and corresponded with him in a process Birch described as “mind-expanding” and “exposing oneself to a kind of knowledge and curiosity virus”. This infection of ideas and thinking led to the English publication of Chasing the Dragon’s Tail, written by Birch with Manaka’s input and guidance. It was a seminal book on acupuncture and acupuncture research.”

Oran Kivity–Moxa in Motion (2019)

Continue your exciting journey into Manaka System Acupuncture, delving deeper into the intricate world of inter-channel relationships and the interconnected arts of direct moxa and refined palpation. Develop  more expertise and expand your arsenal of techniques at steps 1 to 4.


Empowering Objectives

Once again, you’ll embark on a second, transformative adventure and on completion of the three days. Level 1 opened your mind and after Level 2, you will wield your new skills with precision and confidence. You will be able to:

  • Describe a four-channel set and test the effects of placing different polarities upstream and downstream on the channels.
  • Practice Manaka’s unique application of the polar channel pairs, using positive and negative polarities on the mother and child points as an alternative to the master and coupled points of the Eight Extras
  • Confidently apply root and branch treatment with okyu including Sawada’s Taiji protocol and unlock more branch formulae from the Matsushima Kindle Single
  • Calculate the open point and harness the power of Chinese biorhythms with the 24-hour, 10-day, and 60-day cycles to: release pressure pain reactions on the belly and solve diagnostic stalemates of coexisting patterns
  • Practise Manaka’s Step 4 use of phase points on the 24-hour cycle to bring relief to stubborn symptoms.
  • Get comfortable with Manaka’s wooden needle and hammer and his remarkable concept of meridian frequencies, applying these ideas in various ways across the board from Step 1 to Step 4.
  • Perform five new Sotai exercises to adjust the body’s structure for Step 3 with and without okyu
  • Learn how to insert hinaishin intradermal needles and compare and contrast the use of empishin, hinaishin and ryu.
  • Confidently apply the above at the appropriate part of the body
  • Use the Eciwo hand map as an alternative to Korean hand map.

This three-day course will reinforce the concepts of Level 1 and bring your practice and skills to new heights, expanding your clinical repertoire at each Step. And with a slightly longer day, there’ll be plenty of time to practice and review. We strongly advise participants to book soon as places are limited to thirty people.




Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.






Manaka students watching teacher demonstrate on model



Image of Dr Manaka

Kewalahan membaca buku Chasing the Dragons Tail? Ingin tau tentang Akupunktur dan Moksibusi Jepang? Workshop yang transformatif ini akan menyederhanakan pembelajaran anda dan melatih anda sedemikian rupa hingga hanya dalam tiga hari saja, anda sudah bisa mulai menggunakan sistem penyembuhan yang unik ini.

Yoshio Manaka adalah seorang pujangga, seniman, ilmuwan, dokter, dan penyembuh. Hidupnya terinspirasi dan didedikasikan untuk penemuan dan ide pemikiran. Dalam puncak kehidupannya, mencapai level teknik penyembuhan yang membuatnya terkenal di dalam dan luar Jepang.

Akupunktur Jepang berbeda dengan Akupunktur China dalam banyak hal. Berdasarkan filosofi “manfaat maksimal dengan intervensi minimal”, akupunktur jepang menggunakan penjaruman dan moksibusi yang sangat lembut, dan juga berbagai alat beda polaritas yang menambah aliran di meridian. Hal ini membuat pasien nyaman dalam menerima efek penyembuhannya.

 Workshop tiga hari ini, akan memberikan kepada anda lingkup pengetahuan untuk merancang diagnosis dan rencana terapi komprehensif dalam sistem Dr. Manaka: sebuah pendekatan terstruktur dalam pengobatan akar dan cabang dari ketidakseimbangan di tubuh.

Kursus ini akan fokus pada pemahaman Dr. Manaka pada sistem meridian, dan interaksi dinamika antara meridian, akupoin, perut, dan area refleks. Sistem ini bukanlah sistem yang misterius, melainkan didasarkan pada percobaan dan observasi yang dapat kita amati langsung, dan ulangi sendiri. Palpasi, terutama palpasi abdomen, adalah yang paling penting dalam memeriksa dan menguji keefektifan setiap teknik yang kita lakukan

Workshop ini berbasis dan menekankan pada praktikum. Setelah tiga hari, anda akan mulai dapat melakukan terapi pada pasien dengan seluruh 4 Langkah Sistem Manaka. Perkenalan terhadap pendekatan Manaka adalah pintu gerbang untuk memahami teknik Akupunktur, Moksibusi, dan Palpasi lebih dalam, dan membawa praktik klinis anda naik level dan lebih percaya diri.  Kursus ini akan diajarkan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan fokus pada teori serta praktikum beberapa hal berikut:

  • Teori Octahedral Manaka mengenai Delapan Meridian Istimewa
  • Memanfaatkan Delapan Meridian Istimewa dan Ion Pumping Cords.
  • Seni palpasi dan diagnonis berdasarkan pola temuan abdomen dan meridian.
  • Keterampilan moksibusi Jepang, termasuk teknik Jarum Hangat, dan moksibusi bulir beras.
  • Terapi isophasal Manaka menggunakan sistem holografik tangan dan telinga.
  • Penjaruman dangkal Jepang, teknik penusukan yang benar dengan menggunakan tabung pandu.
  • Peregangan Sotai dan olahraga untuk melancarkan meridian untuk gangguan muskuloskeletal dan struktural.

Setelah menyelesaikan pelatihan tiga hari ini, anda sudah akan bisa menerapi klien dengan sistem ini. Levels 2 dan 3 adalah kursus opsional yang dapat diambil di kemudian hari untuk memperdalam pengertian anda terhadap sistem Manaka untuk mengobati akar. Kursus lanjutan ini juga akan menyertakan berbagai metode lain untuk melakukan terapi akar, termasuk Palu Kayu Manaka, aplikasi klinik siklus 24 jam, 10 hari, dan 60 harian, serta aplikasi yang spesialistik teknik moksubusi, kop, dan bloodletting Jepang.



Aswadi Ibrahim

Phone: +6285242274424

Yudhi Gejali

Phone: +62815-7123-696



Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.


Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.





Manaka students watching teacher demonstrate on model



Image of Dr Manaka

Overwhelmed by Chasing the Dragon’s Tail? Curious about Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion? This transformative workshop will simplify your learning and train you to start using this unique healing system for yourself in just three days.


Yoshio Manaka was a poet, artist, scholar, physician and healer. He lived for and was inspired by ideas and invention. At the pinnacle of his life, he reached a level of healing skill that made him renowned in Japan and overseas.

 Japanese acupuncture is different from Chinese acupuncture in many ways. Based on the idea of “maximum benefit with minimum intervention”, it uses very light needling and moxibustion techniques , as well as a variety of polarity devices to enhance channel flow. This makes it very comfortable for patients to receive.

This three-day workshop will give you a working knowledge of Dr Manaka’s comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment: a structured approach to address the root, the branch, and the overall structure of the body. The course will focus on Dr Manaka’s insights into the channel system and the dynamic interactions between channels, points, the abdomen, and other reflex areas. The system is not mysterious. It is based on tests and observations you can repeat and confirm for yourself. Palpation, especially abdominal palpation, is all-important to check and recheck the effectiveness of each technique.

This is a practical workshop with an emphasis on practice.  By the end of the three days, you will be able to treat patients with all four steps of Manaka’s system. This introduction to Manaka’s approach is a gateway to a deeper understanding of acupuncture, moxibustion and palpation, bringing you to new levels of clinical effectiveness and confidence.

The course will be taught in English with translation into Bahasa and will focus on both the theory and practice of the following:

  • Manaka’s octahedral theory of the eight extraordinary vessels
  • Use of the eight extraordinary vessels with ion pumping cords
  • Palpation skills, diagnosing from the abdomen and channels
  • Japanese moxibustion skills, including warm needle and rice grain moxa techniques
  • Manaka’s isophasal treatments using holographic systems of the ear and hand
  • Japanese superficial needling, correct insertion with a guide tube
  • Sotai stretches and channel release exercises for musculoskeletal disorders & structural adjustment

By the end of these three days,  you will be able to treat your patients with this system. Levels 2 and 3 are optional courses that may be taken later to deepen your understanding of Manaka’s system for treating the root. They include many other Japanese methods for treating the branch, including Dr Manaka’s wooden hammer and needle, clinical applications of the 24-hour, 10-day and 60-day cycles, and specialised Japanese applications of moxibustion, cupping and bloodletting.




Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.



Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.





Manaka students watching teacher demonstrate on model



Image of Dr Manaka

Kewalahan membaca buku Chasing the Dragons Tail? Ingin tau tentang Akupunktur dan Moksibusi Jepang? Workshop yang transformatif ini akan menyederhanakan pembelajaran anda dan melatih anda sedemikian rupa hingga hanya dalam tiga hari saja, anda sudah bisa mulai menggunakan sistem penyembuhan yang unik ini.

Yoshio Manaka adalah seorang pujangga, seniman, ilmuwan, dokter, dan penyembuh. Hidupnya terinspirasi dan didedikasikan untuk penemuan dan ide pemikiran. Dalam puncak kehidupannya, mencapai level teknik penyembuhan yang membuatnya terkenal di dalam dan luar Jepang.

Akupunktur Jepang berbeda dengan Akupunktur China dalam banyak hal. Berdasarkan filosofi “manfaat maksimal dengan intervensi minimal”, akupunktur jepang menggunakan penjaruman dan moksibusi yang sangat lembut, dan juga berbagai alat beda polaritas yang menambah aliran di meridian. Hal ini membuat pasien nyaman dalam menerima efek penyembuhannya.

 Workshop tiga hari ini, akan memberikan kepada anda lingkup pengetahuan untuk merancang diagnosis dan rencana terapi komprehensif dalam sistem Dr. Manaka: sebuah pendekatan terstruktur dalam pengobatan akar dan cabang dari ketidakseimbangan di tubuh.

Kursus ini akan fokus pada pemahaman Dr. Manaka pada sistem meridian, dan interaksi dinamika antara meridian, akupoin, perut, dan area refleks. Sistem ini bukanlah sistem yang misterius, melainkan didasarkan pada percobaan dan observasi yang dapat kita amati langsung, dan ulangi sendiri. Palpasi, terutama palpasi abdomen, adalah yang paling penting dalam memeriksa dan menguji keefektifan setiap teknik yang kita lakukan

Workshop ini berbasis dan menekankan pada praktikum. Setelah tiga hari, anda akan mulai dapat melakukan terapi pada pasien dengan seluruh 4 Langkah Sistem Manaka. Perkenalan terhadap pendekatan Manaka adalah pintu gerbang untuk memahami teknik Akupunktur, Moksibusi, dan Palpasi lebih dalam, dan membawa praktik klinis anda naik level dan lebih percaya diri.  Kursus ini akan diajarkan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan fokus pada teori serta praktikum beberapa hal berikut:

  • Teori Octahedral Manaka mengenai Delapan Meridian Istimewa
  • Memanfaatkan Delapan Meridian Istimewa dan Ion Pumping Cords.
  • Seni palpasi dan diagnonis berdasarkan pola temuan abdomen dan meridian.
  • Keterampilan moksibusi Jepang, termasuk teknik Jarum Hangat, dan moksibusi bulir beras.
  • Terapi isophasal Manaka menggunakan sistem holografik tangan dan telinga.
  • Penjaruman dangkal Jepang, teknik penusukan yang benar dengan menggunakan tabung pandu.
  • Peregangan Sotai dan olahraga untuk melancarkan meridian untuk gangguan muskuloskeletal dan struktural.

Setelah menyelesaikan pelatihan tiga hari ini, anda sudah akan bisa menerapi klien dengan sistem ini. Levels 2 dan 3 adalah kursus opsional yang dapat diambil di kemudian hari untuk memperdalam pengertian anda terhadap sistem Manaka untuk mengobati akar. Kursus lanjutan ini juga akan menyertakan berbagai metode lain untuk melakukan terapi akar, termasuk Palu Kayu Manaka, aplikasi klinik siklus 24 jam, 10 hari, dan 60 harian, serta aplikasi yang spesialistik teknik moksubusi, kop, dan bloodletting Jepang.


Novi (0811 804150)



Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.


Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.





Manaka students watching teacher demonstrate on model



Image of Dr Manaka

Overwhelmed by Chasing the Dragon’s Tail? Curious about Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion? This transformative workshop will simplify your learning and train you to start using this unique healing system for yourself in just three days.


Yoshio Manaka was a poet, artist, scholar, physician and healer. He lived for and was inspired by ideas and invention. At the pinnacle of his life, he reached a level of healing skill that made him renowned in Japan and overseas.

 Japanese acupuncture is different to Chinese acupuncture in many ways. Based on the idea of “maximum benefit with minimum intervention”, it uses very light needling and moxibustion techniques as well as a variety of polarity devices to enhance channel flow. This makes it very comfortable for patients to receive.

This three-day workshop will give you a working knowledge of Dr Manaka’s comprehensive system of diagnosis and treatment: a structured approach to address the root, the branch and the overall structure of the body. The course will focus on Dr Manaka’s insights into the channel system and the dynamic interactions between channels, points, the abdomen and other reflex areas. The system is not mysterious. It is based on tests and observations you can repeat and confirm for yourself. Palpation, especially abdominal palpation, is all-important to check and recheck the effectiveness of each technique.
This is a practical workshop with an emphasis on practice.  By the end of the three days, you will be able to treat patients with all four steps of Manaka’s system. This introduction to Manaka’s approach is a gateway to a deeper understanding of acupuncture, moxibustion and palpation, bringing you to new levels of clinical effectiveness and confidence.

The course will be taught in English with translation into Portuguese and will focus on both the theory and practice of the following:

  • Manaka’s octahedral theory of the eight extraordinary vessels
  • Use of the eight extraordinary vessels with ion pumping cords
  • Palpation skills, diagnosing from the abdomen and channels
  • Japanese moxibustion skills, including warm needle and rice grain moxa techniques
  • Manaka’s isophasal treatments using holographic systems of the ear and hand
  • Japanese superficial needling, correct insertion with a guide tube
  • Sotai stretches and channel release exercises for musculoskeletal disorders & structural adjustment

By the end of these three days,  you will be able to treat your patients with this system. Levels 2 and 3 are optional courses that may be taken later to deepen your understanding of Manaka’s system for treating the root. They include many other Japanese methods for treating the branch, including Dr Manaka’s wooden hammer and needle, clinical applications of the 24-hour, 10-day and 60-day cycles, and specialised Japanese applications of moxibustion, cupping and bloodletting.




Studying Dr Manaka’s Yin Yang balancing method brought acupuncture alive for me after ten years of TCM. It took me out of my head and into my hands with dynamic changes occurring within a few seconds: tight tender points on the abdomen relax; both patient and practitioner experience immediate feedback, also reflected in changes to symptoms. Manaka’s rich and eclectic system brings to life many East Asian Medicine theories and allows the practitioner to be creative whilst  working within an elegant & structured treatment model.



Learning Dr Manaka’s methodology and approach provided the correct medical lens to look through. The teachings gave me confidence because they synthesised everything I had learned up to that point. Acupuncture studies at university didn’t give me the medical or clinical application the way Manaka strategies did. I will be eternally grateful for those teachings and their transmission by Paul Movsessian, a great teacher and clinician in his own right.


Studying Manaka style was a Eureka moment. Within weeks it had transformed my practice. It provided a logical, sequential way of treating that was flexible, inclusive and open to new information (Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Korean Hand Therapy,  auriculotherapy etc.). It made complete sense that the information received through palpation was the root of a diagnosis. Manaka has opened many doors (moxa, Sotai, ontake, Japanese acupuncture etc.) and continues to thrill me forty-three years after qualifying as an acupuncturist.


The work of Dr. Manaka not only transforms the way you practice but also the goal of treatment and the relationship you create with your patients. The ability to have treatment protocols that are not only clinically sound and successful but also to have maximum patient comfort allowing for the healing process to be established.


Manaka provided me with a systematic method to apply my acupuncture treatment.


Manaka-style acupuncture is a good introduction to Japanese acupuncture before getting to know other styles. Manaka acupuncture requires detailed skills that train us as practitioners to perform any acupuncture style more thoroughly. Through Manaka, I’ve learned many kinds of moxibustion styles, abdominal palpation and gentle needling.


 l learned Manaka seven years ago. Manaka’s system was logical and the first that made real sense to me. Making a diagnosis by inspecting the abdomen and then witnessing the immediate reactions blew my mind! It’s simple and direct.